Sponsorship 2

Become a Sponsor

Associate your company with our industry’s best by becoming a sponsor. Your three-year sponsorship to the mission of the Plastics Hall of Fame will spotlight your company at both gala events. We will display your logo proudly within our event programs, on our website, in our hallway signage and photo backdrops. We have six sponsorship levels with progressing benefits. Choose the sponsorship level that best fits your marketing goals.

The Plastics Hall of Fame, Inc. is a Delaware non-profit corporation with a 501(c)3 designation. The organization relies 100% on donations and is run exclusively by volunteers.

Premier Sponsors

This is a three-year exclusive top-level sponsorship for only two donors.  

Benefits include 64 tickets for the NPE gala, the K-Show gala, or both. Also available is a 20% discount on additional tickets.

The premier sponsor will be promoted as sponsoring the gala dinner and be recognized on the PHoF website with a logo and link, listed in the gala programs, and the logo displayed on gala signage. Also, the sponsor will receive a large trophy for display, a logo on the photo background, and be recognized in PHoF social media.

As a special thank you, the premier sponsor will receive eight tickets to attend the VIP reception and have 5-minutes to address the audience from the gala podium.

Our premier sponsors are:

Champion Sponsors

This is a three-year exclusive top-level sponsorship for only three donors.  

Benefits include 32 tickets for the NPE gala, the K-Show gala, or both. Also available is a 20% discount on additional tickets.

The champion sponsor will be promoted as sponsoring the gala reception,  cocktail, or after-party, and be recognized on the PHoF website with a logo and link, listed in the gala programs, and the logo displayed on gala signage. Also, the sponsor will receive a trophy for display and a logo on the photo background.

As a special thank you, the champion sponsor will receive four tickets to attend the VIP reception.

Our champion sponsors are:

Partner Sponsors

This is a three-year sponsorship for only five donors.  

Benefits include 16 tickets for the NPE gala, the K-Show gala, or both. Also available is a 20% discount on additional tickets.

The partner sponsor will be promoted as sponsoring the gala entertainment, decoration, photographer, lapel pin, or website sponsor and be recognized on the PHoF website with a logo and link, listed in the gala programs, and the logo displayed on gala signage. Also, the sponsor will receive a small trophy for display.

Our partner sponsors are:

Fellow Sponsors

This is a one-year sponsorship.  

Benefits include eight tickets for the NPE gala or the K-Show gala. Also available is a 20% discount on additional tickets.

The fellow sponsor will be promoted as sponsoring one of the inductees and be recognized on the PHoF website and listed in the gala program.

Our fellow sponsors are:

Friend Sponsors

This is a one-year sponsorship.  

Benefits include four tickets for the NPE gala or the K-Show gala. Also available is a 20% discount on additional tickets.

The friend sponsor will be recognized on the PHoF website and listed in the gala program.

Our friend sponsors are:

Supporter Sponsors

This is a one-year sponsorship.  

Benefits include two tickets for the NPE gala or the K-Show gala. Also available is a 20% discount on additional tickets.

The supporter sponsor will be recognized on the PHoF website.

Our supporter sponsors are:

Vince Witherup

Want more information on becoming a sponsor??