Bourdon, Dr. Karlheinz

Karlheinz Bourdon
KraussMaffei Technologies Group
Inducted 2018
Dr. Karlheinz Bourdon (1958 – ) is an engineer and developer of injection molding machinery and computerized processes, including robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing. Karlheinz has worked in senior management positions at Ferromatik Milacron and is currently senior vice president of integration for Krauss-Maffei Corporation.
He received his Ph.D. in Engineering from the Institut fur Kunsttoffverarbeitung at the RWTH Aachen, Germany, under the tutelage of Plastics Hall of Fame Member Georg Menges. His dissertation was entitled “The Computer-Aided Setup of Injection Molded Machines.” He was an early adopter and innovator in technologies such as injection molding process simulation, automated mold changes, and robotic automation for parts handling.
In the 1990s, Karlheinz served as the head of engineering for Krauss-Maffei and later for Ferromatik Milacron. He became President of Global Plastics Machinery for Milacron Corporation, expanding both the U.S. and Global markets.
In 2008, he returned to Krauss-Maffei as CEO of Injection Molding Technology. Karlheinz is also the Senior Vice President of Integration for the Krauss-Maffei Group.
He has been active with the Boards of VDMA and EUROMAP and as a member of the Board of Trustees of several Plastics Educational Institutions in Germany.