Schwarz, Georg

Georg Schwarz
Engel Corporation
Inducted 2009
Georg Schwarz (1928 – 2016) was known for his many years of leadership of Engel Corporation, an Austrian injection molding machine manufacturer. Engel was founded as a food and shoe press maker in 1945 by Ludwig Engel. Georg Schwarz and his wife Irene, Ludwig’s daughter, took over the management of Engel in 1965. During their time managing the corporation, Engel grew to become a multi-national injection molding machinery manufacturer with thousands of employees working at production plants in Europe, North America and Asia.
Schwarz held many positions at Engel, working his way up through the organization from machine fitter to head of sales, eventually taking over as head of Engel when Ludwig died in 1965. Schwarz expanded Engel greatly, opening additional facilities in Austria, and foreign subsidiaries in Denmark, Hong Kong, South Korea, China and North America. His management philosophy gave his staff freedom, but also fostered innovation. This led Engel to become one of the most technologically advanced injection molding machinery suppliers in the plastics industry. Engel introduced revolutionary electronic control units as standard equipment in 1968. They began producing machine robots in 1980 and introduced tie-barless hydraulic injection molding machines in 1990 and tie-barless all electric injection molding machines in 1998.
Georg and Irene Schwarz received number honors and awards for their leadership of Engel by universities, their plastics industry peers, and the government of Austria. They were both named as Honorary Senators of the University of Leoben, while Georg was also named as an Honorary Senator at the Vienna University of Technology.
Areas of Expertise:
Plastics machinery, Business management