Timothy W. Womer, Nominating Vice-Chair
A widely recognized authority on plasticizing screws for extrusion, injection molding, and blow molding, Timothy Womer (1954 – ) has designed thousands of these components in a 38-year industry career. He holds 15 patents involving various aspects of polymer processing technology. He is a prolific author and lecturer, with many papers on injection molding, extrusion, heat transfer rolls, and component design. He has been extensively involved with industry associations, has held a number of leadership positions, and has received a substantial number of prestigious honors.
Mr. Womer entered the plastics industry in 1974 as a machinist at New Castle Industries Inc. He returned to college in 1978 to complete work for his degree in mechanical engineering at Youngstown State University. He then held leadership positions in engineering and R&D with Spirex Corp., Conair, Inc., and NRM Corp. before joining Xaloy, LLC in 2003. He left that company as global technical advisor and started his current consultancy business, TWWomer & Assoc.
During an extensively active membership in the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), Mr. Womer has served as SPE President during the 2006-2007 term, chairman of the Extrusion Division, and technical program chairman. As a Certified Plastics Technologist, he has served as a judge on SPE’s certification program. He has received SPE’s Fellow of the Society Award, Distinguished Service Award, Honor Service Award, and Bruce Maddock Award.
From 1995 to 2005, Mr. Womer served on the Executive Committee for the NPE and Plastics USA trade shows produced by SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association. He has also been a liaison between SPI and SPE in the area of conferencing. Currently, he is serving on the Education Committee for NPE2012.
Areas of Expertise: Plastics processing, Plastic machinery